How to Increase Your Domain Authority

It's about the good reputation of your company. Enjoying a good reputation with customers and partners is great. But you also need it on search engines - otherwise you will not be found on the Internet. Winning new customers is then almost hopeless. The most solid indication of trustworthiness on the net is called Domain Authority. If you want to increase this domain authority, you have to work just as hard as for a good reputation in real life. But it's worth it.

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It’s about the good reputation of your company. Enjoying a good reputation with customers and partners is great. But you also need it on search engines – otherwise you will not be found on the Internet. Winning new customers is then almost hopeless. The most solid indication of trustworthiness on the net is called Domain Authority. If you want to increase this domain authority, you have to work just as hard as for a good reputation in real life. But it’s worth it.

What is Domain Authority?

Domain authority can best be translated as “trustworthiness” in the sense of a professional authority in your field – and in relation to your entire website, not related to a specific page for a specific search term or keyword like Google ranking.

This distinction is important to avoid a misunderstanding – namely that the domain authority is not a factor for the ranking because Google analyst John Mueller said so himself. From the context, however, it quickly becomes clear: Mueller talks about the fact that buying highly trustworthy but expired domains just for the purpose of “inheriting” their domain authority does not help.

How to Increase Domain Authority?

According to Moz, the best way to positively influence your domain authority is generally to do search engine optimization with an emphasis on high-quality link building.

Google’s recommendations point in the same direction. The search engine not only evaluates individual pages, but also entire websites – and this with constant changes to the algorithms. These domain ratings also jump without corresponding changes to the website. So you shouldn’t get into hectic activity just because of such processes, but wait and see – and in the longer term rely on the strategy of increasing the quality of all pages and thus also underpinning the domain authority.

Only with regard to users can you build domain authority!

One thing can’t replace Domain Authority: the quality of your offer. Are your customers satisfied with you? Maybe even enthusiastic? – Good. Because you always need some positive recognition. This applies to conventional advertising as well as to the best search engine optimization (SEO), which a professional agency can offer you.

An SEO agency relies across all small-scale individual measures to raise the quality from the perspective of the users of a website. Because this is also the point of view from which search engines generally decide which page gets among the answers to a search query. A high domain authority is the fruit of long-term and continuous search engine optimization—on- and off-page—for all essential pages of a domain or website that focuses on offering users exactly what they were looking for.

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